Do you like mermaids, and want one of your own? Then download our game and get started!... 🌊
The underwater kingdom awaits! Make all different mermaids, like in the cartoons: sea mermaids, river mermaids, and any others. You can decide their hairdo, tail, accessories, and even give them a princess's diadem! (The best stylists in the ocean have been working hard for you: pearls, seaweed, shells...) 🐚
Of course, you can make things more fun by adding other sea creatures too: a nice little crab or some happy fish 🐠
👑 Create cute princesses, proud queens, or brave warriors
🌅 Save the finished result to your photo gallery
📔 Make up your own stories
💬 Use a mermaid as an avatar on social media
💞 And of course, win a handsome prince with your heroines
✓ A whole ocean of extra accessories for your original character (OC)
✓ High-quality images (like in cartoons and comics)
✓ More than a thousand pictures you can make
Happy creating! Share your characters with your friends—it's more fun that way. 👫 And of course don't forget to leave your comments and suggestions. And the main thing: don't let those greedy fishermen get you in their nets. 🐙
水下王国等待!使所有不同的美人鱼,喜欢在漫画:海美人鱼,美人鱼的河流,和其他任何。你可以决定自己的发型,尾巴,配件,甚至给他们一个公主的王冠! (在海洋中最好的造型师一直在努力为您提供:珍珠,海藻,贝壳......)🐚
创造快乐!分享你的角色和你的朋友 - 这是更有趣的方式。 👫当然不要忘记留下您的意见和建议。而主要的事情:不要让那些贪婪的渔民让你在自己的网。 🐙